Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Stash

I have made a commitment to knit the stash. I have bits of odds and ends from other projects and yarn for projects I already have in mind. This is not a complete yarn diet though, if I see something I love, it will join the stash. I usually don't buy yarn just for the sake of yarn. Almost always there is a pattern and a project in mind. If I cast on it is no longer stash it is WIP right?

Sunday, August 26, 2007

The library is for knitters

I love our library! It has a great collection of knitting books, and with interlibrary loan it is so handy. There are books I have bought and once I got them home, realized there was only one pattern I would ever knit. This way I can live with the book for a couple of weeks and decide if it is for me. I know this is knitting heresy, but after checking out some of Elizabeth Zimmerman's books, I realized that I don't really care for her writing style. I was about to go out and buy it because everyone told me how wonderful she is. Now that money can go to yarn. I wasn't sure about the hype of Mason-Dixon, and after borrowing that from the library that is now on my buy list. Library for knitting, what a great thing.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Bitten by the sock bug

I think that I have officially decided to become sock knitter. I have knit one pair, and love to wear them, but after all those double points poking my palm, I wasn't ready to tackle it again. After going to the PDX Knitters meet up last night and seeing lovely socks, I caved. Today it is off to Knitting Bee to find some beautiful yarn. And I thought sock yarn was just good for baby stuff :)

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Baby Hat Obsession

I love to knit baby hats! They are quick, cute and don't use too much yarn. This picture are some hats I made from Itty Bitty Hats. I don't like sewing applique, so I adapted the daisy hat for intarsia.